Monday, March 7, 2011


I made Blogs of Note. Thank you , I am honored. I am also in shock. Wow.


deandria said...

i like this page

Olavo Marques said...

Good blog! I´m following your blog!

Follow too my blog:

CarnivalBride said...

You have a beautiful blog! Congrats :)

I just can't shut up said...

That's how I found you and started following! Your blog rocks!

kat said...

I was looking at blogs of note and i found you

i think your pics are cool

follow me too at

Zachary Araki said...

You shouldn't be that surprised it's a good blog.

Zivha said...

It's how I found your blog. And I must say that you deserve it :)

Larry said...

Found you on blogs of note. I really like the photography you have posted and the words that go along with it. I have just started blogging here and also have been posting photos that I have taken along with my thoughts. Nice to meet you. I am going to follow your blog and see what other photos you post.

Mark said...


AnneCarvalho said...

Eu achei muito enteresante parabéns!!!

Jon Shed said...

Congratulations on making blogs of note. Very different, yet interesting blog!

Girl to the left said...

That's how I found it. I just started mine today but yours is very interesting(:

HuEmanity Unlimited said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HuEmanity Unlimited said...

Congrats!!! Looks like you deserve it!

jack said...

blogs of note just showed me an amazing blog

Deepika said...

That's how I found you. Your blog is beautiful.

Heyy I'm new. Follow me too, that is if you want to :)

Clare Dunn said...

Congratulations, on being named "Blog of Note"!

I check out all the recipients, and I have found some interesting reads, and have made many fine friends because of it! I'm picky about what I follow...but I think this is one blog I would like to "try on" for a while.

Beautiful artwork!
xoxoxo, cd

bite_me_barbiex said...

Congratulations! You deserve it! :) Your blog is awesome and so is your poems.

@#!~@ said...

well deserved from what i have seen

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Congratulations. I am not surprised that you are one of the blogs of not.

Betsy Brock said...

I had to laugh as soon as I came over because "I get cranky when I'm hot" and "I feel old today" are two phrases that I say all the time! :) Congrats on BON!

Jay Jay said...

I'm new to blogging and I saw yours on blogs of note...I have to say, I love the art

Anonymous said...

I heart your artwork so is your poem..good job!

Gabby said...

nice blog..congrats!!

Unknown said...


Natalia said...

That's how I found you :) Amazing poems, will be visiting more in the future :)

Masood Alam said...

good job keep it up.

E. M. Prokop said...

How does that work? Who picks the blogs of note? Congratulations..I do enjoy your blog!

Paris said...

I really like your blog...

Asirek said...

Very cool! Congratulations!

ewqtrdsa said...

quite an accomplishment (no sarcasm intended)

Anonymous said...

do you mind if i use your title for one of my own bllogs?

Adam B said...

Congrats! Great site.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations... I must say, I'm not surprised - the artwork on here is stunning!

Pearson Report said...

CONGRATS on your Blogs of Note recognition - much deserved from what I see.

Your digital art is stunning - very, very eye appealing.

I will be back...

Anonymous said...

Nice graphic layout.
However, it will by tiresome on the eyes for many readers. Cheers and good luck.

Seireina said...

Congrats mate!


super blog

danskates89 said...

You have amazing pictures, I hope you follow me at

AfraidToFlyGirl said...

Congrats!! We all hope to be there some day.

T. Roger Thomas said...

I follow your blog.

Follow mine too:

I'll be your best friend.

c-music reviews said...

hey man i love your blog :)

mine is

heni101 said...

Please follow!

Miss Ish said...

amazing artwork!

follow me

KelloJelloMello said...

Your blog is amazing. I love the pictures too, did you edit them?

The Elephant's Trunk said...

Your blog is so great! You've obviously been at this for a while. I have too but not as successfully as you. I check blogs of Note a lot for cool new people to find inspiration from, make friends with, collaborate with, and just learn from. Keep up the good work! I'll definitely check back often.

The Whispering Path Tarot Readers said...

Excellent blog! Congrats on 'blog of note'.

Anonymous said...

congrats! love the blog!!!

come check out and follow mine if you like

Sheridan C. said...

im new to this blogging and your blog is the first to truly interest me. Love "i feel old today". Dont really know what im doing, any advice would be cool. thanks. nice work.

Dmarie said...

CONGRATS! look forward to seeing more of your blog.

Saucy Siciliana said...

Very nice blog, I'm following you from Sicily!

Mark Clemens said...

Yes you did, I found you via it, congratz and I will be back!

Aleda Boyd said...

love your composition of words. i wish to invite you to my poetry blog too ;)

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