Friday, May 11, 2012

Song of One

Tidewater scents drift across my mind
On tiny feet they scurry through my thoughts
And race away unseen - just out of reach
Where in this depth do these memories find
Their way to the surface to taunt and tease.
I smell the surf, feel the sand, and long for the past.
Time has no boundaries within a heart
It beats, and calls, and reaches,
Begging to be recognized, longing
To know completeness.
And here within my mind I search
Knowing all the while that I am lost.
One must reach to seek- -touch to know
I cannot…will not…..
So I sing alone.


T. Roger Thomas said...

I like this image.

Sono una Sognatrice said...

A very inspirational poem, really. And a beautiful picture – complements the poem in a wonderful way…

kikinotdee said...

I really want to walk on a beach and go for a paddle, I haven't done that for years :)

The Quiet Riot said...

Oh, I know! I haven't been to the shore in a very long time. I think that's why I so enjoy creating beach images.

Sneha said...

Time has no boundaries within a heart...... Nice.....

Unknown said...

Excellent. Picture and words fit very well. Thanks for this moment of magic.