Monday, May 31, 2010


"In order to have a friend, you have to be a friend." That was my Mother’s constant admonishment to me. My reply was always the same. "Books don’t have that kind of requirement!" She would give a long suffering sigh and walk away shaking her head. What can I say? I was ahead of my peers in school, and the older kids didn’t want to have anything to do with "geek girl". Books were my friends. They were always there for me, never questioned my questions, and didn’t mind the fact that I was always in their face. LOL My current reads are within my favorite genre. The first is People of the Weeping Eye by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear. They are the authors of The First North Americans series, and I have to admit that I have been hooked from the very first book in this series. My second read is The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova. It is, supposedly, a modern day vampire tale. So far, all I can say is that it is beautifully written and interesting enough to keep me reading… Friends… There are two others waiting quietly on the book shelf. They will be there for me when I need them...they will not require I meet some social standard of looks or personality, or a high speed internet connection that allows Face Book fun. I will be fine just the way I am, and isn’t that what we all hope be accepted just the way we are.

1 comment:

Susan Palmer-Davis said...

Well I do agree with your mother's idea, I've been there. I also understand your reasoning and your choice. I've been there too(not all of it but enough). I never realized how much I needed a friend until my kids were grown, making lives for themselves and their children. It wasn't that I intentionally let go of friends (I usually had one that was close but never many at a time)it just seemed that their life went one way and mine went the other. It's hard to do more than home and hearth when you have 4 kids and a grandson to raise. Lifes not easy ever, it may have smooth moments but the total conclusion is always hard.
I like what you have written because 1)I agree with your conclusions and 2) I understand it. I think there are a lot of people out in the world who feel the same way but maybe have a hard time trying to form the expression to convey it to another. I like knowing things about a person. The things that most people keep to themselves because they think that no one will understand or that the other person will have knowledge then to use against them. That's not why I like getting to know people. I just think that everyone is interesting in some way.