Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Can you hear it? The approach of winter riding in on the coat tails of autumn. Slowly, teasingly, it sneaks forth on silent wisps. Fooling the senses, hidden within the south wind and the smell of well thawed earth. It is coming. Soon, too soon, it will freeze the ground solid. Deathlike, the trees will stand as silent sentinels to the sky. Harsh, cold and unfeeling…..yet deep within the core of each thing, the renewal of life glimmers. Hold tight, keep safe. It’s just a fleeting moment, that’s all. A fleeting moment with a stark beauty all it’s own. Listen……………..WINTER.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear 'Quiet Riot'

Congratulations on becoming a blog of note. I have very much enjoyed exploring your blog. I am new to the blogging world and, like you, am bravely foraging in the unknown, daring to share my creative writing with the world.

I wanted to comment here because it is the piece of writing that I felt most drawn to. I love the personifcation of Autumn and the coat tails imagery that you use. It perhaps rang a chord as I have just written a piece that personifies 'Silence' as a coated being too.

I feel that here your writing is most expressive and was instrested to see that you are far more descriptive in your prose (in my opinion - and this does not take away credit from your excellent poetry!), using your structures and punctuation to create a more powerful and engulfing image. This is something that I too aim to develop further, as well as exploring the purpose of punctuation in poetry. I believe that poetry should be read aloud and am, therefore, enjoying playing with the sounds that a poem can create.

I would very much appreciate your thoughts if you ever wanted to venture to another poetry/writing site. I'm afraid I don't have your skill for creating such incredible visual art though!

Thank you again for such a captivating read!
