Watch me Mom! See what I do
This game I play, it’s just for you.
She shouted loud and full of glee
Watch me Mom- -Oh please just see!
But Mom was turned away by words
Of another and never heard
She was involved with gossips tale
Her child’s sweet calls were but a frail
Calling somewhere far away
She thought there’d be another day.
Please watch me Mom, I try so hard
To do this thing here in this yard.
Just once look up and smile and wave
I need to know you love this small
Sweet child that is just me -
Who’s trying hard for you to see.
It’s just for you , for you alone…….
Mom never saw, never knew
The effort that her child did use
To call forth just one simple wave
In that park and on that day.
powerful post...I've been that mom before shamefully. excellent piece of work
Very good!
Apt and powerful :)
wow! that child was me. my mom NEVER looked. she looks now, but only so she can show off to her friends the successful daughter she had nothing to do with...
you captured it well. beautiful writing.
Very apt, I have seen such Moms and its a pity! I have seen the children having confused expressions, I feel very sad for them, but one cant do anything as each one has his own way of bringing up children! NIce
My kids are going to love it. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful :)
a great work of art! inspires me a lot!
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