The worst of the storms missed us, but the wind is angry today, shaking it’s fist and trying to frighten Spring back into it’s winter sleep. It will not work. The lilac blossoms hang bravely to the bushes, knowing that when the rain stops and the wind finds somewhere else to play the bully, the butterflies will come again, seeking sustenance from those blossoms. This is the time of rebirth, of calm and storm, cold and warmth. Life fights it’s way from the deep sleep, and battles it’s way through in spite of the changes. Lessons to learn for humans also. Where there is life… there is hope.
Your work is so lovely:):) and nature is its own boss. I try and raise environmental issues all the time and it is my feeling that our earth is not a silent partner in all we do....so there is nothing like spring to capture the heart, inspire the imagination and raise the spirit:):)
Olga from http://revedoa@blogjspot.com
I love reading your words. You captured the latest weather perfectly. Too bad the OKC area didn't get anything... The threat of fire is getting bad.
Well said!
the picture is really pretty but the writing is actually so powerful i love this and the images of warring seasons is simply brilliant
wow coincidentally i happened to read this after posting my own take on wind,, strange!
I found your blog by chance and I am glad I did. You are an amazing writer and I look forward to reading your blog posts.
We are all in this world celebrating spring in all the festivals in this month of April, so even if we speak different languages and have different religons and color , we celebrate spring-rebrith and nature. Thank God! We all argree on one thing at least!!!
truely stunning image. I actually said "oh" out loud when I looked at it...
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