I think I say too much, yet it never seems to be enough to quell the questions or dispel the mystery surrounding these players. Allure is the rage, yet I have an ugly side filled with insecurities about everything…will they see through the disguise and run the other way, abandoning the newly crowned queen? Will they stay, (Oh, horrors) in pity, to bow still, at my feet, while behind the hand they sigh at the sham of my identity and lack of perfection? I would prefer death to the pity…banishment, to the knowledge that I am here only by the good grace of their so called generosity, all the while being measured against some high held tally sheet of gossip. Is that the secret? Provide the gossip to run the mill, and thereby gain the safe haven without the loss of any real truth? The players…..I am one also, and that frightens me more than anything…………
Filled with so much thrill and suspense to your post. Like your way of writing. :D
I agree, being one of the players either by choice or necessity is a daunting prospect for self identity:):)
Love your blog
Olga from http://revedoa@blogpost.com
I so heart you... Keep on blogging and will keep following you..
Really loved it!
I do enjoy your art but also your words.They probably touch me the most.Not that you pictures aren't fantastic I wish I could express myself in such a way as words often fail me.
Keep posting and always wear your heart on your sleeve-to few people in this life show and share their feelings through any medium and are tied in knots inside
I read this and think of Kate Middleton for some bizzare reason...
Poor Kate. I hadn't even thought of her when I wrote this, but you're right. It does seem to fit.
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